Monday, July 26, 2010

First Tummy Picture

So, I have been neglecting posting tummy pictures because #1, I keep forgetting, and #2, I'm not really showing yet. I am now 11 weeks pregnant and am so excited as I am getting closer to my 2nd trimester! In this picture, I look like I have a little bit of a tummy, but know that Mark and I just got back from Chili's and my stomach was very full of fajitas! I definitely look more preggers at night time after a day of eating and bloating. When I wake up in the morning, my tummy looks pretty flat again, but I know that won't last too much longer. More tummy pics to come!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

First Ultrasound

So, Mark and I went to Fontana on Monday and we had our first ultrasound. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen! It was so tiny (blueberry size this week) and I could see it's little heart fluttering and hear it murmuring. Here is a picture of the little guy/gal.
The white X on the line is it's head and the bottom of the line is it's tail! Haha. Our baby has a tail! That will go soon though. :) The sack above it is the food supply since it has no umbilical cord yet. I didn't know about that! The doctor said everything looked healthy and she also pushed my due date up two days. We are now due on............ Valentines Day 2011. What a gift of love! <3